Foods And Places

Portuguese Egg Tarts

These delicious pastries are a signature dish of Macau and a fusion of Portuguese and Chinese cuisines. They have a buttery and flaky crust, a rich and smooth egg custard filling, and a caramelized sugar topping that adds a nice crunch.

The Mandarin House

he Mandarin's House is not just a typical Chinese residence. It is a remarkable example of how Chinese and western cultures blended together in Macau, a former Portuguese colony.

A-Ma Temple

The A-Ma Temple is not only a place of worship, but also a cultural treasure. It has been documented in ancient texts and paintings, and it was one of the first scenes to be photographed in Macau.

Fernando’s Restaurant

Fernando’s is a popular Portuguese restaurant in Macau, known for its simple yet perfectly cooked traditional recipes.

GEt in touch

Commute From:

Border Gate: 8 minutes walk

Qing Mao Port: 12 minutes walk

HK-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge: 10 minutes by taxi, Bus #101x (3 stops)

Macau Ferry Terminal: 13 minutes by taxi, Bus #3 (13 stops)

Macau International Airport: 25 minutes by taxi, Bus #AP1X (5 stops)

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